Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Should the United States Put Limitations on Immigration Essay Example

Should the United States Put Limitations on Immigration Essay Every January of the year, immigrants are required to report to the Immigration and Naturalization Service. Those who have been traveling outside the United States are expected to file their addresses upon return. This process therefore allows Immigration and Naturalization Service to determine the current number of immigrants and aliens in the country. As a result, the Population Clock estimates United States of America’s (USA) population as of January 3, 2006 as 298,633,855. (US Census Bureau, 2006) Census categorized the statistics as follows: 98.0% of which are whites, 12.2% Black or African American, 0.8% American Indian and Alaska Native, 4.2% Asian, 0.1 Native Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander, 5.2% from other race and 1.9% from two or more races. (US Census Bureau, 2006).America’s population boom is accredited to the numbers of immigrants in the country resulting to growing ethnicity and diversity within states. With the current number of immigrants, policy ma kers are now more concerned on how to regulate the immigration law. Natural born American Citizens are threatened of the fast growing number of immigrants in terms of job security, housing and health care. Some believes that with the approval of the new immigration bill, they will be able to preserve their culture, values and the American tradition.For immigrants on the other hand, passing the bill would mean killing their hopes to live in the â€Å"land of promises.† Not only that they will be sent home but the bill will also prohibit them from entering the country without undergoing on the legal process, whatever be the new bill would set before them.This ongoing debate creates stressful situation in the country as thoughts on the election is also considered. Some policy makers, who are vying for government positions this election, have been very silent or neutral with regards to this issue. For one, Governor Arnold Schwarzenneger, who initially backed up a federal plan in building a fence between San Diego and Tijuana, California, is now doing his best to win the favor of the Hispanics groups. As an immigrant himself, Schwarzenneger have been backing up some public measures in denying illegal migrants of services. However, there have been some changes on his views with the consideration of this coming election. Further, President George W. Bush is in favor of providing strong guest worker program but he would not discuss on details on this matter.Lastly, some church leaders have expressed their sentiments of allowing the immigrants to stay legally in the country because it is a part of the moral mission. However, some members of the clergy and their flocks have different opinions on the same issue. Some have been vocal on their stand in passing the bill instead. With these issues, is there really a need for us to review and go back on the immigration policy? Is there a need to limit the immigrants’ entry in the country known to be the â€Å"l and of hopes and promises,† the land of immigrants?Historical OverviewA graven tablet on a lady’s pedestal along New York City states: â€Å"Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free; The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door.† (Wikepedia, 2006). These words are motivation to those who are hopefuls to live in the United States. Emma Lazarus wrote the sonnet as her contribution in rising fund for the statue’s construction in 1883. The poem New Colossus talks about the immigrants who flew to the country mainly to escape poverty from their homelands. (Wikepedia, 2006). Lazarus’words were dedicated to the Statue of Liberty because she, a persona of an immigrant herself, moved from France to the Ellis, New York United States in 1886. Liberty was a gift to the United States, from the French scholars who admired the country for its constit ution and political development. During those times until 1986, â€Å"freedom does not exist in every country, and in many others is it being eroded.† (Awake, 1986) But why do people migrate and why to the United States?Similar to other countries, United States has a long history of migration. Anthropological findings proved that long before the Statue of Liberty arrived in Ellis New York, America has been a place of various ethnic and cultural backgrounds. (Rapidimmigration, 2005) Whatever be the case though, America’s long history of immigration proved that the country has been generous in welcoming aliens and in return, businesses in America proved that immigrants are contributors in keeping the economy strong. Poverty, political oppression, wars and famine push people to migrate from one country to another.As the â€Å"land of promises,† immigrants are attracted to take chances in crossing the borders towards American soil. Unmindful of the dangers they may experience while traveling, immigrants take chances with starvation, captivity and deaths. Those who were successful enough to reach the country in various ways remained and have been struggling for years as front liners for blue-collar types of jobs and any jobs that are difficult to be handled. Immigrants thrived to the country’s political and economical system mainly because the country offers stability to them compared to their homelands. The fact that there exists a huge gap between Third World economy compared to America’s, immigrants would rather maintain their composure in dealing with discriminations and prejudices than returning home loosing hope to survive the next days, weeks and years to come. They consider the fact that a day’s living in America may take a week or two if they are in their homelands.In 1986, exactly 100 years after the commemoration of Liberty’s arrival in the United States, the Statue of Liberty still greets the visitors and immigrants of various countries. When a prediction of 20 million workers need by 2026 was made, (Rapidimmigration, 2005) greater opportunity lies ahead of aspiring immigrants to try their luck in crossing the borders. But the flow of the migrants every year threatens Americans and policy makers at the same time. While the Statue of Liberty continuously greets visitors and immigrants along New York, many people think that the immigration policy has been too lenient that a review should be made. Competition between immigrants and natural born citizens is too stiff that the latter feel they are over empowered and that are taken for granted in most ways. Jobs are offered to the immigrants because of the low wage given to them. Immigrants further enjoy the kind of services the natural born citizens enjoy, thus, disallowing gaps in socioeconomic matters.In line with this issue, legislations were reviewed and in 1882, immigration open door policy has ended when the Chinese were suspended to enter in the United States for 10 years. Chinese were declared ineligible for citizenship under the Chinese Exclusion Act. (Mooney, Knox, and Schacht, 2002). In order to limit the numbers of immigrants in the country further, series of laws were enacted between 1917-1924 imposing quota systems particularly, passing the literacy test before an immigrant enters the country. (Rapidimmigration, 2005). This was the Immigration Act of 1917, which was followed by Johnson Act in 1921 where the latter allowed limited number of immigrants per year adding stricter requirements according to the immigrants’ countries. ((Mooney, Knox, and Schacht, 2002,p.193). In 1986, thousands of illegal migrants were legalized but at the same time, company-employer sanctions were initiated for such employer who will hire illegal migrants. Moving forward and because of the terrorism issues and one of the great contributors in the immigration issues is the USA Patriot Act of 2001 aimed to intercept and obstruct terrorism at all cost. . (Rapidimmigration, 2005)Considerations on the socioeconomic situation of the country, many natural born Americans have growing concerns on their security, specifically in terms of finances and health care. Thousands of young soldiers were sent to the Middle East and President Bush continues to fight the war against terrorism. Due to the increasing warfare expenditures, America’s economy now faces tremendous breakdown—oil price increase, job outsourcing resulting to unemployment, health care issues and the like. Further, most employers are hiring immigrants because of the consideration on the amount of salary/wage given to them compared to natural born Americans. With these issues at hand, Senate considered the possibilities of renewing the issues on immigration policies.One of the initiatives for economic welfare is to save war money in tightening the borders instead. Associated Press reports that President Bush requested for a cut of the Iraq’s budget amounting to $1.9 billion to be spent in buying â€Å"new aircrafts, patrol boats and other vehicles as well as border checkpoints and fence along Mexico boarder crossing near San Diego.† (Taylor, A., 2006) With this matter at hand, it is but inevitable to ask consider if Liberty still keeps her golden doors open for the â€Å"poor, huddled masses and homeless.† (Wikepedia, 2006). Is there really a need to limit the immigrants in the country and why the sudden change in priorities? In order to come up with sound judgments on this issue, it is critical to take both sides of those people are greatly affected by the immigration policy. Who are the ones that agree to such policy and who are the ones who disagree with it?AnalysisCase for ImmigrationFor years, Christian communities have been trying to protect the immigrants’ rights to be treated fairly. However, changes on their support were made obvious literally because they too are affecte d of the stiff competition in the business and market. In fact, a survey conducted by the non-partisan Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life (Washington, DC) released the following reports: (MacDonald, G.J., 2006)Ø   64% of white evangelicals agreed that immigrants are a burden in the country because of the competition for education, health care and jobs.Ø   56% of white Catholics has similar sentimentsØ   51% of white mainline Protestants agreed that newcomers from other countries are a threat to the traditional American customs and values.On the other hand, as California’s growing numbers of immigrants, Governor Arnold Schwarzenneger has laid consistent proposal on immigration, according to his spokeswoman Margarita Thomson.   In a report published by the Associated Press, Thomson said the governor is doing his best to â€Å"pressure the federal government to provide a comprehensive solution† on this matter. (Blood, M., 2006).Going back to the origin al pattern of the immigration policy, President Bush considered the Bracero program initiated in 1942. Affected by the then World War II, America faced a challenging shortage of laborers, specifically, for farm work. As a result, guest worker program was introduced to some 4.6 million Mexicans. Guest workers received good benefits in terms of housing, medical treatment, transportation and good wages. On the other hand, the guest worker program was not a total treat to the immigrants. While they enjoy material benefits, they were mistreated and their rights were violated. (Associated Press, April 23, 2006).President Bush who patterned the immigration bill from the Bracero program that sparks the nation’s mass protest, has been vocal on this issue but would never discuss the specifics or details. Shifting focus from Iraq’s war expenses to tightening border security may pose questions to many especially for those affected by the policy. However, since prominent stakeholde rs are supporting the immigration policy, there are possibilities that the immigration policy will be reconsidered favorable to those who want the migrants be penalized for entering the country illegally or at least be denied of some perks they currently enjoy like transportation, limit in healthcare etc.Case Against ImmigrationBasically, those who are greatly affected with this policy remake are the immigrants themselves. Not only that they will suffer the consequences of possibly deployment or worse, being penalized for being immigrants in the â€Å"land of promises.† Some of the businesses owners too will experience crippling effect if immigrants were to be removed from their current positions in their company. In terms of finance, companies who have been hiring immigrants in the past must anticipate further investigation from the Immigration department if there are violations committed for hiring immigrants. Lastly, companies would have to reevaluate their financial repor ts and allowances for removing immigrants out of their business and started considering how much salary or the total wage they need to pay for the natural born citizens who will replace the former employees. They also need to consider the physical capabilities of the replacements, if there is a need to employ two persons in replace of a single immigrant and if they would agree for minimal salary/wage and the likeConclusionImmigrants, for centuries, have proved their worth in the economy of the United States. Many workmen belonging to the blue-collar categories are immigrants. It is true that aliens are competing for job security, health care and education with the natural born citizens. However, these immigrants contributed a lot to rebuild America after the World War II. Their contribution in building the nation is immeasurable. The America we have now is also a product of the hardworking hands of those immigrants who made sacrifices to provide quality service in exchange of a livi ng for themselves and for their families who were left behind.On one hand, as members of civic society, we also have to consider the consequences of giving all the jobs to immigrants and leaving nothing for the natural born citizens of America. Immigration system also needs to consider the pros and cons of just sending the migrants away. America is a representation of hopes, democracy and freedom as what the Lady Liberty stands for. However, lawmakers and policymakers at the same time need to reevaluate the result of putting too much restriction on immigration process or being too lenient. History proved that no matter how aggressive America is in regulating the numbers of immigrants, still, immigrants’ interest to reside in America never ceased since the beginning. Many, if not almost of these immigrants, underwent extreme conditions just to reach America—leaving their families behind, starvation while traveling, illness and the like. But they nothing stopped them fro m going to America even it costs them their lives at times. Because of this, and because America is country of honor, the almost 11 million immigrants cannot be just sent home or deport to some other places. The cost of sending these immigrants would cripple the country’s economy and lawmakers need to evaluate this matter at the same time. If on the other hand, all of these 11 million immigrants could pass the examinations for them to be naturalized citizens of America, a population boom might threaten the economy as well.Whatever be the cost, America should reconsider the humanity side of adopting or welcoming these immigrants and consider their great contribution to the American Society. However, policy makers need to make sound decision and equipped with political will, immigration system must be dealt with accordingly. It is not the street protests and undying debates in the White House that will help solve the long issue of immigration. Further, it is not the sudden shif t of priorities on the Bush administration that will help the nation rebuild itself from the aftermath of war, particularly in the economic side.If we are to go back in the 1900 when the French Scholars sent Lady Liberty to America in 1883, their reason was their admiration to America’s constitution and political development. More than ever, the Statue of Liberty should stand as it is and America should decide and review according to that image portrayed for many centuries: land of hopes and promises, freedom and democracy. The two side of immigration policy must be looked into with deeper understanding, not tomorrow but today.

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