Saturday, October 19, 2019

US deprartment of health and human services Research Paper

US deprartment of health and human services - Research Paper Example Public Health Service agencies and three of them belong to the Human Services. With the help of these operating agencies and the effectual programs, the HHS focuses on providing high levels of health quality and necessary human services all over the nation (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services n.d.). HHS was established on 11 April, 1953 as the Department of Health, Education and Welfare to broaden the horizons of health and human services standards in U.S.A. It also has one of the largest budget records with administration of more grant dollars than any other Federal agency (Okray 2010). The historical development of the department, its major goals and mission statement along with the basic structure of the department are included in the research paper. Furthermore, HHS provides a dynamic career opportunity for the health professionals with a plethora of professional positions. HHS performs and assists various health related activities nationwide for the better good of the Americans. With a mission statement of providing necessary human services and protecting the health of Americans nationwide, the HHS constitutes 40 percent of the United States federal government’s expenditure (Department of Health and Human Services n.d.). These functions include research work in the medical and social science area of study and the necessary preventive measures to control the spread of infectious disease outbreaks. Another important function is to ensure the usage and administration of healthy food and safe drugs nationwide. HHS also focuses on programs for the support of child education, health and support for disabled children. Maternal and child health enforcement and provision of pre-school academic services are also included in the plan of HHS. Child abuse and domestic violence are two significant social problems prevalent in U.S. The HHS also supports progr ams that work

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